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울산시, 초등 입학생 필수예방접종 완료율‘전국최고’

by Gdaymate 2024. 9. 18.

울산시, 초등 입학생 필수예방접종 완료율전국최고

필수예방접종하고 초중학교 입학하세요

예방접종은 학령기 감염병 전파예방에 중요


울산지역 초등학교 입학생의 필수 예방접종 완료율이 전국 최고인 것으로 나타났다.


울산시는 2024년 초·중학교 입학생 예방접종 확인사업 결과 울산 지역 학생들의 예방접종 완료율이 초등학생은 93.7%17개 시도 중 1위였으며, 중학생은 78.3%3위로 높게 나타났다고 밝혔다. 이는 2023년 결과인 초등 92.1%, 중등 70.6% 대비 각각 1.6%p, 7.7%p 증가한 수치다.


초등학생은 디프테리아·파상풍·백일해(DTaP), 폴리오(IPV), 홍역·유행성이하선염·풍진(MMR), 일본뇌염 등 4종의 필수 백신 접종 완료율이 93.7%로 전국 1위를 차지했다 중학생은 파상풍·디프테리아·백일해(Tdap), 일본뇌염, 여아만 맞는 사람유두종바이러스(HPV) 3종의 필수백신 접종 완료율이 78.3%로 전국 3위를 차지했다.


울산시 관계자는 높은 예방접종률 유지는 초중학생 시기 감염병 전파를 예방하는 데 중요하다라며 지속적인 관심을 당부드리며 혹시라도 시기를 놓친 예방접종이 있는 경우 의료진과 상담하고 최대한 빨리 접종을 완료하는 것이 중요하다라고 강조했다.


아울러, “2011년생은 올해 1231일까지 파상풍·디프테리아·백일해(Tdap), 일본뇌염, 여아 사람유두종바이러스(HPV) 백신 비용을 지원받을 수 있는 마지막 해이므로, 잊지 말고 접종을 완료해 줄 것을 덧붙였다.


한편 전국 초등학교 입학생 필수예방접종 완료율은 92.3%, 중학교 입학생은 76.4%를 기록했다. 이는 2023년 결과 91.0%, 67.2% 대비 각각 1.3%p, 9.2%p 증가한 수치다.


Ulsan City Achieves Highest Rate of Required Vaccinations for Elementary School Students Nationwide

  • “Complete mandatory vaccinations before entering elementary and middle school”
  • Vaccinations are crucial for preventing the spread of infectious diseases during school years

The completion rate of required vaccinations for elementary school students in Ulsan has been reported as the highest in the country.


According to Ulsan City, the results of the vaccination verification project for students entering elementary and middle schools in 2024 indicate that the vaccination completion rate for elementary school students stands at 93.7%, placing Ulsan first among 17 cities and provinces, while the rate for middle school students is 78.3%, ranking third. These figures reflect an increase of 1.6 percentage points for elementary students and 7.7 percentage points for middle school students compared to the 2023 results, which were 92.1% and 70.6%, respectively.


For elementary students, the completion rate for the four mandatory vaccines—Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP), Polio (IPV), Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), and Japanese Encephalitis—was 93.7%, securing the top position nationwide. Middle school students achieved a completion rate of 78.3% for three mandatory vaccines: Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap), Japanese Encephalitis, and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which is administered only to girls, placing them third nationally.


A Ulsan City official stated, “Maintaining high vaccination rates is essential for preventing the spread of infectious diseases during elementary and middle school years. We urge continued attention to vaccinations, and if any have been missed, it is important to consult healthcare professionals and complete vaccinations as soon as possible.”


The official also noted that for children born in 2011, this year is the last opportunity to receive financial support for the Tdap, Japanese Encephalitis, and HPV vaccinations until December 31, and urged families not to overlook completing these vaccinations.


Meanwhile, the national completion rate for required vaccinations among elementary school students is 92.3%, while for middle school students it stands at 76.4%, reflecting increases of 1.3 percentage points and 9.2 percentage points, respectively, compared to the 2023 results of 91.0% and 67.2%.

