많은 사람들이 Piece of cake = 식은 죽 먹기로 외우긴 하지만, 굳이 그렇게 외우지 않아도 '매우 쉬운' 정도로 생각하는게 오히려 쉽고, 문장 중간중간에 넣기에도 익숙할 것 같다. '식은 죽 먹기'로만 생각하며, '이 문장에 넣어도 괜찮을까?'라는 생각때문에 더 어렵게 되기 때문에.
그럼 상황별로 어떻게 적용되고 있는지 예시를 통해 보자.
- After a Test: "How did you find the math test?" "Oh, it was a piece of cake. I studied hard for it." ("수학 시험 어땠어?" "시험 쉬웠어! 공부 열심히 했거든.")
- Cooking: "I thought making lasagna would be difficult, but it turned out to be a piece of cake!" (라자냐 만드는거 어려울 것 같았는데, 생각보다 쉽더라고!)
- At Work: "Can you finish this report by today?" "Sure, that's a piece of cake for me." ("오늘까지 이 보고서 끝낼 수 있어요?" "그럼요. 어려운일도 아닌데요")
- Learning a New Skill: "I was worried about learning to drive, but with a good instructor, it was a piece of cake." (운전하는게 어려울 줄 알았는데, 좋은 강사님하고 하니까 쉽더라구요)
- Technology: "Setting up the new software seemed complicated, but it was actually a piece of cake." (새로운 소프트웨어 설치하는게 복잡해보이긴 하지만, 해보니 쉽더라구요)
- Sports: "He thought winning the game would be tough, but it was a piece of cake." (그 친구는 경기에서 이기는게 어려울 거라고 생각했는데, 생각보다 쉬웠어요)
- DIY Projects: "Building the bookshelf looked challenging, but it was a piece of cake once I followed the instructions." (책장만드는게 어려워보였는데, 설치법을 따라하니까 쉽더라구요)
- Travel: "I was nervous about navigating the subway in a new city, but it was a piece of cake with the map app." (새로운 도시에서 지하철타는게 좀 불안했는데, 지도 어플로 움직이니까 쉽더라구요)
- School Assignments: "I was stressing about the presentation, but once I started, it was a piece of cake." (발표하는것 때문에 스트레스 받았는데, 시작하자마자 아무것도 아니더라구!)
- Entertainment: "I thought the puzzle would take hours, but it was a piece of cake and I finished it quickly." (퍼즐맞추기가 몇시간 걸릴 줄 알았는데, 생각보다 쉬워서 빨리 끝냈어.)
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