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[영어 뜻] 눈코 뜰 새 없다 - Burning the candle at both ends

by Gdaymate 2023. 11. 25.
  1. Working Overtime: "She's been burning the candle at both ends, working late nights and early mornings." (A는 요즘 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바빠서, 늦은 밤이나 이른 아침에도 일하고 있어)
  2. Juggling Responsibilities: "Between his full-time job and night classes, John is really burning the candle at both ends." (John은 풀타임 직장하고 야간 수업으로 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바빠)
  3. Stressful Lifestyle: "Managing her career and personal life, she is constantly burning the candle at both ends." (A는 직장이랑 자기개발로 눈코 뜰 새 없이 꾸준히 바빠)
  4. Overexertion: "You're burning the candle at both ends by not getting enough sleep and overworking yourself." (너는 너무 과로하고 잠도 못자서 바쁜 것 같아)
  5. Exhausting Routine: "Balancing parenting and a full-time job means I'm burning the candle at both ends." (육아랑 풀타임 직장만으로도 눈코 뜰 새 없는 것 같아)
  6. Sacrificing Rest for Work: "He's been burning the candle at both ends to finish the project on time." (B는 기한내 프로젝트 끝내려고 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바빠)
  7. In Pursuit of Goals: "Aspiring to become a top athlete, she trains relentlessly, burning the candle at both ends." (최고의 운동선수가 되려고 A는 눈코 뜰 새 없이 훈련하고 있어)
  8. Risky Work Habits: "Taking on two high-pressure jobs, he's definitely burning the candle at both ends." (두가지 직업을 가지고 있는 B는, 엄청 바쁠거야)
  9. Sustained Effort with Little Rest: "She's been burning the candle at both ends preparing for her final exams." (A는 기말고사 준비하느라 엄청 바쁠거야)
  10. Pushing Limits: "By working long hours and volunteering during weekends, he's burning the candle at both ends." (근무시간도 길고, 주말에는 자원봉사하느라 B는 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바빠)
