- Making Plans with Friends: "I didn't really want to go out tonight, but my friends twisted my arm, so I agreed." (오늘저녁은 나가고싶지 않았는데, 친구들이 가자고 꼬셔서 나가기로 했어)
- At Work: "I was hesitant to take on that extra project, but my boss twisted my arm by offering a bonus." (추가 프로젝트를 하기에 망설였는데, 상사가 보너스 더 준다고 꼬드겨서...)
- Family Gatherings: "I wasn’t going to go to the family reunion, but my mom twisted my arm with her guilt trips." (가족 모임에 가지 않으려고 했는데, 엄마가 여행보내준다고 꼬드겼어)
- Trying New Foods: "I've never been a fan of sushi, but my partner twisted my arm into trying it, and I actually liked it." (스시를 좋아하진 않았는데, 내 파트너가 먹어보라고 권해서 먹었더니, 맛있더라고!)
- Exercise: "I was going to skip the gym today, but my workout buddy twisted my arm into going." (오늘 운동 안가려고 했는데, 운동 친구가 가자고 설득했어)
- Watching a Movie: "I wasn’t interested in the movie, but my friends twisted my arm, and it turned out to be really good." (그 영화는 별로 관심없었는데, 친구가 보자고 꼬드겨서 봤더니, 재밌더라고?)
- Taking a Trip: "I was nervous about traveling abroad, but my friends twisted my arm, and I ended up having the time of my life." (해외여행이 조금 무섭긴 했는데, 친구가 꼬드겨서 갔더니, 인생 최고의 시간이었어)
- Purchasing Decisions: "I wasn't sure about buying the expensive dress, but the salesperson twisted my arm with a great discount." (비싼 옷을 사는데 확신이 안들었는데, 종업원이 엄청 할인해준다고 설득해서 구매했어)
- Volunteering: "I didn't plan to volunteer for the event, but my colleague twisted my arm with their persuasive reasons." (행사에서 자원봉사를 할 생각은 없었는데, 동료가 몇가지 이유가지고 설득해서 하게됐어)
- Learning a New Skill: "I never thought about learning to dance, but my partner twisted my arm, and now I enjoy it." (춤을 배울생각은 없었는데, 파트너가 하자고해서 했더니.. 지금은 엄청 즐기고 있어)
'영어표현' 카테고리의 다른 글
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