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[영어 뜻] Hit the books [열심히 공부하다]

by Gdaymate 2023. 11. 25.
  1. Before Exams: "I can't go out tonight, I need to hit the books. My finals are next week." (오늘밤에 나가긴 힘들어, 공부해야하거든. 기말고사가 다음주야)
  2. Starting a New Semester: "Now that the semester has started, it's time to hit the books and get ahead on my reading." (새학기 시작했으니, 미리 공부좀 해야할 것 같아)
  3. Returning to School After a Break: "The holiday was great, but now it's time to hit the books again." (방학은 좋았지, 그런데 이제 다시 공부해야하잖아)
  4. Preparing for a Professional Certification: "I've got my certification exam in a month, so I have to hit the books every evening after work." (자격증 시험이 한달밖에 안남아서, 일끝나고 매일 공부해야해)
  5. Studying for a Driver’s Test: "I really want to pass my driving test on the first try, so I'm going to hit the books and study the manual thoroughly." (운전면허 시험에서 한번에 붙고 싶어! 그래서 완전 꼼꼼히 매뉴얼 공부하려구)
  6. Learning a New Language: "If I want to become fluent in Spanish before my trip to Spain, I’ll need to hit the books." (스페인 여행전에 스페인어 잘하려면, 공부좀 해야해)
  7. Preparing for a Job Interview: "The interview for my dream job is next week, so I need to hit the books and research the company." (내가 꿈꿔왔던 직장 면접이 다음주인데, 회사에 대해 찾아보고 공부좀 해야할 것 같아)
  8. When Changing Majors: "Since I've switched my major to physics, I've got a lot of catching up to do. Time to hit the books!" (물리학으로 전공을 바꿔서, 할게 많아. 공부좀 해야겠지!?)
  9. A Parent Encouraging a Child: "Your grades could be better. You should hit the books and spend a little less time with video games."
  10. A Student Balancing Work and Study: "Work was hectic this week, but I can't ignore my studies. I'll hit the books all weekend to keep up."
