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[영어 뜻] Stab someone in the back [배신하다, 뒤통수 치다]

by Gdaymate 2023. 11. 25.

In a Corporate Setting (회사에서)

"I thought we were working on this project together, but she stabbed me in the back by presenting it as her own idea to the boss." 

"우리가 같이 프로젝트하고 있는 줄 알았는데, A가 본인이 낸 아이디어처럼 상사한테 보고하면서 내 뒤통수를 치더라고"


Among Friends (친구사이)

"I can't believe he went to the party without me after I confided in him. He really stabbed me in the back."

"B를 엄청 믿었는데, 나 없이 혼자 모임에 갔다는게 믿기지 않아. B는 진짜 나 배신한거야"


In Politics (정치에서)

"The candidate promised to support our community, but once elected, he stabbed us in the back by cutting the funding."

"C후보자가 우리 지역을 지원해주겠다고 약속했는데, 당선되자마자 예산 깎고 뒤통수쳤잖아"


In Relationships (대인관계)

"He said he was my friend, but then he stabbed me in the back by dating my ex."

"D는 자기가 내 친구라면서, 내 전 여자친구 만나더라?"


In Academia (학문)

"My co-author stabbed me in the back by publishing our joint research under only his name."

"공동저자가 공동연구를 자기 이름으로 발표하는 바람에 내 뒤통수쳤어"


On a Sports Team (스포츠팀)

"He promised to pass the ball but stabbed me in the back by shooting every time to hog the glory."

"E가 공을 패스하기로 했는데, 자기가 독차지하려고 매번 슛 시도하더라"


In a Workgroup (워크샵)

"During the team meeting, he blamed me for the project delay, completely stabbing me in the back."

"팀 회의에서, F는 프로젝트 지연사유가 나때문이라고 뭐라고 하더라. 완전 뒤통수 치던데"


In Family Matters (가족문제)

"After our parents passed away, my brother stabbed me in the back by claiming the entire inheritance."

"부모님이 돌아가신 다음에, 형이 상속을 다 본인거라고 주장하면서 뒤통수쳤어"


Among Neighbors (이웃)

"She seemed nice at first, but then she stabbed me in the back by spreading rumors about my family."

"G가 처음엔 좋아보였는데, 내 가족에 대해서 이상한 소문퍼뜨리면서 뒤통수치고 있더라"


In Creative Collaborations (창의적 협력)

"We were supposed to release the song together, but she stabbed me in the back by releasing it solo."

"우리가 같이 노래를 발표하기로 했는데, H가 솔로로 발표하면서 뒤통수쳤어"

