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[영어 뜻] Barking up the wrong tree [잘못짚다]

by Gdaymate 2023. 11. 26.

In a Workplace Conflict (직장에서 갈등)

"If you think I'm responsible for the data loss, you're barking up the wrong tree. I wasn't even in the office that day."

"내가 데이터 손실에 책임이 있다고 생각한다면, 잘못짚은거야. 난 그날 사무실에 있지도 않았어"


During a Police Investigation (경찰조사)

"The detective realized he was barking up the wrong tree after the alibi of the suspect checked out."

"용의자의 알리바이가 확인되고 나니, 형사는 본인이 잘못 짚고 있다는 것을 깨달았다"


In Customer Service (고객서비스)

"The customer was angry about the product malfunction, but he was barking up the wrong tree by yelling at the salesperson instead of contacting support."

"고객이 물품하자에 화가났는데, 고객지원팀을 찾는게 아니라 판매월에게 소리지르면서 엉뚱한 사람을 탓하더라구"


While Solving a Mystery (미스터리 해결)

"We thought the secret passage was in the library, but we were barking up the wrong tree – it was in the basement."

"비밀통로가 도서관에 있는줄 알았는데, 잘못 짚은거였어. 지하에 있더라구"


In a Relationship Misunderstanding (관계 오해)

"She thought her boyfriend was planning a surprise party for her, but she was barking up the wrong tree – he was planning a trip."

"A는 남자친구가 깜짝파티 준비해주는줄 알았는데, 잘못 짚은거였어. 남자친구는 여행을 준비하고 있었어"


Debating a Topic (논쟁)

"You're barking up the wrong tree by arguing about climate change with me; I completely agree with you."

"기후위기에 대해 나랑 논쟁하는게 잘못 짚은것 같아. 난 너랑 같은 생각이야"


In School or Academia (학교, 학문)

"The student was barking up the wrong tree by studying the wrong chapter for the test."

"B학생은 시험범위를 잘못알아서 엉뚱한걸 보고 있었어"


During a Medical Diagnosis (의료진단)

"After several tests, the doctor realized he was barking up the wrong tree and reconsidered his diagnosis."

"몇번의 검사를 하고 난 뒤, 의사가 잘못 짚었다는걸 깨닫고 진단을 다시 했어"


In Sports Analysis (스포츠 분석)

"Fans thought the team lost because of the goalie, but they were barking up the wrong tree – the defense was the issue."

"팬들은 경기가 골기퍼때문에 졌다고 생각하는데 잘못 짚은거야. 방어가 문제였어"


In Financial Advice (재정 지원)

"If you think investing all your money in one stock is a good idea, you’re barking up the wrong tree."

"모든 돈을 한 주식에만 투자하는게 좋다고 생각하면, 잘못된 생각인 것 같아"

