영어표현48 [영어 뜻] 식은 죽 먹기 - Like eating cold porridge On Easy Tasks (쉬운 일1) "Completing that beginner's puzzle was like eating cold porridge." "초급 퍼즐을 완성하는건 식은 죽 먹기였어" When Something Is Undemanding (쉬운 일2) "For a professional chef, making a grilled cheese sandwich is like eating cold porridge." "전문 요리사에게 구운 치즈 샌드위치 만드는건 너무 쉽지" In Academics (학문) "For her, solving basic algebra problems is like eating cold porridge." "기초 대수학문제는 A에게 식은 죽 먹기야" In Sport.. 2023. 11. 26. [영어 뜻] the best of both worlds - 일거양득 (하나로 두가지 모두 얻다) Balancing Work and Leisure (워라밸) "Working from home gives me the best of both worlds: I can be productive and spend more time with my family." "재택근무는 두가지 모두 장점이 있다. 생산적이기도 하고, 가족하고 더 많은 시간을 보낼 수 있다" In Education (교육) "Studying online means I get the best of both worlds: top-notch education and flexibility." "온라인 학습은 우수한 교육과 유연한 일정 모두 얻을 수 있는 일거양득이다" In Culinary Choices (음식 메뉴) "This restaurant o.. 2023. 11. 26. [영어 뜻] Speak of the devil [양반은 못된다, 호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다] At a Party (파티에서) "We were just talking about how great your cooking is, and speak of the devil, here you are!" "우리 방금 네 요리솜씨가 엄청 훌륭하다고 얘기하고 있었는데, 양반은 못되겠구나!" In the Office (회사) "I was just saying we need John's input on this project – speak of the devil, there he is." "John의 통찰력이 필요하다고 얘기하고 있었는데, 양반은 못되겠어요" During a Family Gathering (가족모임) "We were just reminiscing about your childhood pranks, .. 2023. 11. 26. [영어 뜻] Barking up the wrong tree [잘못짚다] In a Workplace Conflict (직장에서 갈등) "If you think I'm responsible for the data loss, you're barking up the wrong tree. I wasn't even in the office that day." "내가 데이터 손실에 책임이 있다고 생각한다면, 잘못짚은거야. 난 그날 사무실에 있지도 않았어" During a Police Investigation (경찰조사) "The detective realized he was barking up the wrong tree after the alibi of the suspect checked out." "용의자의 알리바이가 확인되고 나니, 형사는 본인이 잘못 짚고 있다는 것을 깨달았다" I.. 2023. 11. 26. [영어 뜻] Bite the bullet [견디다] 어쩔 수 없는 상황을 견뎌야하는 뜻 At the Dentist (치과) "I'm really scared of getting a root canal, but I guess I just have to bite the bullet and go through with it." "신경치료가 진짜 무서운데, 참고 치료받아야할 것 같아" Making a Difficult Decision (의사결정) "I didn't want to lay off any employees, but the financial situation was dire, so I had to bite the bullet." "어떤 직원도 해고하고 싶지 않았는데, 재정난이 너무 심각해서 어쩔수없이 상황을 받아들들여야 할 것 같아" Facing a F.. 2023. 11. 25. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ··· 10 다음