영어표현48 [영어 뜻] Twist someone's arm [설득하다, 꼬드기다] Making Plans with Friends: "I didn't really want to go out tonight, but my friends twisted my arm, so I agreed." (오늘저녁은 나가고싶지 않았는데, 친구들이 가자고 꼬셔서 나가기로 했어) At Work: "I was hesitant to take on that extra project, but my boss twisted my arm by offering a bonus." (추가 프로젝트를 하기에 망설였는데, 상사가 보너스 더 준다고 꼬드겨서...) Family Gatherings: "I wasn’t going to go to the family reunion, but my mom twisted my arm with .. 2023. 11. 25. [영어 뜻] Hit the sack [자다, 자러가다] After a Long Day at Work: "I'm exhausted after that 12-hour shift. I'm going to hit the sack as soon as I get home." (12시간 근무해서 너무 지쳤어. 집에 가자마자 자려구) Late Night Study: "I've been studying for hours; it's time to hit the sack and get some rest." (몇시간동안 공부했더니, 좀 쉬고 자야할 것 같아) Ending a Late Night Gathering: "It's getting late, I think it's time for us to hit the sack." (너무 늦어지는 것 같아. 자러 갈 시간인 것 같아) T.. 2023. 11. 25. [영어 뜻] Hit the books [열심히 공부하다] Before Exams: "I can't go out tonight, I need to hit the books. My finals are next week." (오늘밤에 나가긴 힘들어, 공부해야하거든. 기말고사가 다음주야) Starting a New Semester: "Now that the semester has started, it's time to hit the books and get ahead on my reading." (새학기 시작했으니, 미리 공부좀 해야할 것 같아) Returning to School After a Break: "The holiday was great, but now it's time to hit the books again." (방학은 좋았지, 그런데 이제 다시 공부해.. 2023. 11. 25. [영어 뜻] 그림의 떡 - Pie in the sky Dreaming Big: "Becoming a movie star is a pie in the sky for most people, but she's determined to try." (꿈을 크게 꿀 때:영화배우가 되는 것은 대부분의 사람들에게 그림의 떡일 수 있지만, 그녀는 그 꿈을 이루기위해 확고해보였다) Unrealistic Promises: "The politician's promises of free cars for everyone were just pie in the sky." (비현실적인 공약: 모든 사람을 위한 무료 자동차 제공에 대한 정치인의 공약은 그림의 떡에 불과하다) Impractical Ideas: "His plan for a house made entirely of glass .. 2023. 11. 24. [영어 뜻] Break the ice [대화를 시작하다, 분위기를 전환하다] At a Party: "I didn't know anyone at the party, so I broke the ice by asking people about their favorite music." (파티장에서 아무도 몰라서, 사람들이 좋아하는 음악에 대해 물어보면서 대화를 시작했어) In a Meeting: "To break the ice at the beginning of the meeting, we shared a fun fact about ourselves." (회의 초반에 대화를 시작하려고, 자기소개하면서 재밌는 이야기를 나눴어) On a First Date: "I was nervous, so I broke the ice by asking about her favorite travel des.. 2023. 11. 23. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음